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Million Dollar Launch How to Kick-Start a Successful Consulting Practice in 90 Days

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$17.67

If you've got the drive to start your own consulting firm, "Million Dollar Launch" could be your game plan. Weiss delivers a pragmatic approach, cutting through the fluff to give you actionable steps to hit the ground running. His credibility as an industry expert infuses confidence, guiding you through a critical setup phase with expertise. This book is a blueprint to not just launch, but to thrive.
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Buying And Selling A Business - How You Can Win In The Business Quadrant

Condition: Like New



Was: S$17.00

This book could be a good read for anyone looking to navigate the complex world of buying and selling businesses. With its practical advice and strategies, it offers a simplified approach to achieving success in the business quadrant. The author's expertise in the field and the book's updated publication date make it a valuable resource for those seeking to win in the business world.
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How to Give a Great Presentation

Condition: Like New



Was: S$11.65

If delivering impactful presentations consistently feels like a rollercoaster, this book could be your blueprint for change. Neil Chalmers breaks down the art of presenting into understandable and actionable steps. Imagine leaving an impression with every word you speak—this is what the book promises by focusing on a framework that's both easy to grasp and effective. It's like having a personal coach in your pocket, ensuring that your next presentation isn't just good, it's memorable.
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Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.43

This book is recommended for those interested in the world of finance and business. Mezrich takes readers on a wild ride through the trading pits of the Merc Exchange, as the protagonist David Russo navigates his way through the cutthroat world of oil trading, becoming a millionaire almost overnight. The book is a gripping page-turner, with high stakes, thrilling international settings, and a larger-than-life hero who wants to change the world. Readers will be captivated by Russo's unrelenting drive to succeed against all odds.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street : The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing

Condition: Well Read


Recommended for novice investors seeking foundational knowledge. Covers various investments, incorporating new findings on behavioural finance. Author draws on his ample experience and research to provide a systematic approach to investing.
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Impact Investing : Transforming How We Make Money While Making a Difference

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$16.56

If you're looking to align your investments with your values, this book is an eye-opener. It'll guide you on how you can not only make money but also make a substantial difference in the world. The blend of success stories with practical insights makes it an inspiring read for anyone interested in the crossroads of finance and social impact.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens : The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.54

This book is a must-read for teenagers as it provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges they face. With practical advice, real-life stories, and engaging content, it helps improve self-image, build relationships, set and achieve goals, and make sound decisions. The inclusion of cartoons, clever ideas, and inspiring quotes adds to the appeal, making it a fun and informative read. Whether you're a teen or an adult who influences young people, this book will empower you to thrive during your teenage years and beyond.

Leadership and the New Science

Condition: Very Good


If you're intrigued by how innovative scientific concepts can revolutionize the way we understand and apply leadership, then "Leadership and the New Science" is right up your alley. Margaret Wheatley presents a fascinating blend of quantum physics and organizational management that's sure to provide fresh perspectives on empowerment and change, making it perfect for forward-thinking leaders seeking to evolve their approach to guiding others.
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Global Marketing:Global Edition

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$22.71

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of global marketing. With its focus on current issues and events, it provides valuable insights and tools to apply the 4Ps of marketing on a global scale. Whether you're a student or a professional, this book will help you navigate the complexities of global markets and stay ahead in the ever-changing business world. Get ready to dive deep into the exciting challenges and controversies of global marketing!
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GMAT Official Guide 2018: Book + Online

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$6.13

The GMAT Official Guide 2018 is a must-read for individuals aiming to successfully master the GMAT exam. This guide covers all the fundamental subjects and types of questions that can be found in the exam. Moreover, the book offers access to an online platform that includes additional testing questions and solutions. Reviewers appreciated the book's practical and comprehensive approach to preparing for the GMAT exam.
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The Leadership Contract: The Fine Print to Becoming an Accountable Leader

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$9.20

This book is a must-read for anyone who aspires to be a truly accountable leader. It offers a practical framework that helps you step up and commit to exceptional leadership. It emphasizes the importance of making a conscious decision to lead and provides insights on effective mindset and practices. What sets this book apart is its focus on leadership accountability and the encouragement to put your commitment in writing through a leadership contract. It challenges you to be deliberate, decisive, and inspirational in your leadership approach. If you're ready to take your leadership to the next level and make a meaningful impact, this book is for you.
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Services Marketing: Global Edition [Paperback] [Dec 13, 2011] Christopher Lovelock . Jochen Wirtz

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$12.38

This book is a must-read for anyone studying or working in the field of service marketing. With its global perspective, it provides strategic insights that are especially relevant to those operating in international markets. The authors have structured the book around a marketing framework that reflects the current trends and challenges in the industry. Whether you're a student looking to gain a deeper understanding of services marketing or a professional seeking practical guidance, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in the global marketplace.
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Disrupt Yourself : Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$16.35

If you're feeling stuck or hungry for a professional change, "Disrupt Yourself" offers a refreshing perspective. Whitney Johnson, an expert on innovation, presents a guide that can reshape your approach to your career or business strategy. Applying principles that have transformed industries, this book could be the nudge you need to pivot towards a more rewarding and innovative path.
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Excel VBA In Easy Steps - Covers Visual Studio Community 2017

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$9.86

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to boost their Excel skills. With step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, it takes you on a journey from newbie to VBA pro. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, you'll find value in its systematic approach to teaching VBA. Dive in and unlock the power of Visual Basic for Applications in Excel!
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Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices from the Internet Underground

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$12.38

If you're intrigued by the intersection of technology and political activism, "Now I Know Who My Comrades Are" offers compelling narratives of courage against censorship. The book reveals the power of the Internet to connect and mobilize, demonstrating that even under oppressive governments, people can find solidarity and a louder voice. It's an inspiring read that casts light on the modern struggle for freedom of expression and the role of social media in shaping political landscapes.

The Future Is Asian : Commerce, Conflict, and Culture in the 21st Century

Condition: Very Good


If you've been curious about the global shift in power dynamics, "The Future Is Asian" might just be the enlightening read you're looking for. Parag Khanna paints a vivid picture of a world where Asia's influence on commerce, conflict, and culture is reshaping the 21st century. It’s a compelling narrative that steers away from Western-centric views, offering fresh insights into the diverse and interconnected Asian region. This book could not only broaden your geopolitical understanding but also challenge how you perceive the world's future.
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Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$10.47

"Unfinished Business" delves into the heart of current gender dynamics, especially in how both men and women navigate the precarious balance between professional success and personal fulfillment. Anne-Marie Slaughter's insights are shaped by her own journey and resonate with anyone looking to challenge the status quo of what it means to have it all. It's a thoughtful exploration that offers a new blueprint for work and family in modern society.
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China's Rise And The New Age Of Gold: How Investors Can Profit From A Changing World

Condition: Like New



Was: S$11.29

Reasons to read "China's Rise And The New Age Of Gold: How Investors Can Profit From A Changing World": - Get ahead of the curve with China's growing role in the global economy. - Discover the tremendous opportunities and challenges in this tectonic shift. - Learn why investing in gold is the best way to generate substantial profits. - Gain insights into China's plans to launch a new monetary system centered on gold. - Find the right tools to invest in gold, including gold itself, mutual funds, ETFs, and mining companies. - Be prepared for a fully transformed investing world with unprecedented profits in the age of gold.

The Fifties

Condition: Very Good


If you're curious about the undercurrents that shaped modern America, "The Fifties" is a treasure trove just for you. David Halberstam masterfully connects the dots between the decade's tranquil facade and its profound societal shifts. You'll emerge from this book with a profound understanding of the events and personalities that laid the groundwork for the country you know today.
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The Toyota Way to Service Excellence: Lean Transformation in Service Organizations

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$21.29

Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for professionals in service-based organizations who want to revolutionize their approach to customer service. The Toyota Way to Service Excellence provides a practical guide on how to implement Lean principles to streamline operations and add value to customers. With fascinating case studies from various service industries, this book offers real-world examples of how Lean practices have led to success. Whether you're an executive, manager, or frontline worker, this book will empower you to make continuous improvements and transform your service organization.
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Condition: Well Read



Was: S$9.88

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to understand macroeconomics. Written by renowned experts in the field, it offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of complex economic theories. With up-to-date research and a middle-of-the-road approach, it presents the big picture of how the economy works in a way that is easy to follow. Whether you're a student or a curious reader, this book will equip you with the knowledge to navigate and understand the forces that shape our economic system.
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The Doodle Revolution

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$12.38

Recommendation: If you're tired of conventional thinking and looking for a fresh approach to problem-solving, "The Doodle Revolution" is the book for you. Sunni Brown challenges the notion that doodling is just mindless scribbling and reveals how it can actually enhance your creativity and help you generate innovative ideas. With practical tips and techniques, this book will teach you how to tap into your visual thinking abilities and transform your ideas into engaging visual displays. Get ready to unleash your imagination and revolutionize your approach to problem-solving with the power of doodling.
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The Shift : The Future of Work is Already Here

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$28.43

"The Shift" offers a compelling analysis of the changing nature of work and how it will affect individuals, businesses, and the global economy in the coming decades. Lynda Gratton provides practical and insightful guidelines on how to navigate these changes and succeed in a transformed world of work. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the future of employment and how to stay ahead in a rapidly changing landscape.
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The New Rules of Marketing and PR : How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$15.57

Recommendation: The New Rules of Marketing and PR is a must-read for business owners and marketers who want to stay ahead of the curve. The book provides valuable insights into the latest trends in marketing and PR using social media platforms. With new case studies and examples, the author provides a step-by-step action plan for engaging with customers and increasing sales. This book is ideal for anyone looking to improve their marketing strategies and reach their target audience more effectively.

The Upside of Irrationality : The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever felt puzzled by your own or others' illogical choices, "The Upside of Irrationality" might just be the book you need. Dan Ariely takes you on a journey through the paradoxes of human behavior, making sense of our irrational decisions. It's a captivating read that will shed light on the hidden forces shaping your actions, potentially transforming the way you work, love, and live.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, 20th Anniversary Edition

Condition: Very Good


If you're finding team management challenging or you're a keen student of leadership, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" offers not just a gripping narrative but valuable, actionable lessons. Lencioni masterfully blends storytelling with practical advice to present a model for transforming dysfunctional dynamics into effective teamwork, which could resonate deeply with your experiences and aspirations as a leader.
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The Revenue Growth Habit: The Simple Art of Growing Your Business by 15% in 15 Minutes Per Day

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.78

If time constraints and budget limitations have been throttling your business's potential, "The Revenue Growth Habit" could be the game-changer you need. Goldfayn demystifies the process of boosting sales without the typical financial sinkholes. Dive into digestible chapters brimming with actionable advice that fits neatly into the spare minutes of your day. Imagine growing your revenue dramatically by just changing the way you communicate—this book shows you how.
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What the CEO Wants You To Know, Expanded and Updated : How Your Company Really Works

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$17.00

Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of how successful companies operate. With real-life examples from renowned companies like Uber, Amazon, and Apple, Ram Charan breaks down complex business concepts into digestible insights that anyone can understand. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting your career, "What the CEO Wants You To Know" provides valuable knowledge that will help you navigate the intricacies of the business world.
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Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$9.26

As someone intrigued by leadership and its impact on society, you'll find Lee Iacocca's "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?" particularly compelling. Iacocca's storied career provides a backdrop for a candid exploration of what leadership—or the lack of it—means for America. His conversations with influential figures add color and depth, offering an enlightening perspective for anyone concerned about the current and future state of leadership in our nation.
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The New Asian Hemisphere : The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$15.57

This book is a must-read for anyone curious about the shifting dynamics of global power. Kishore Mahbubani, a leading Asian intellectual, offers a profound exploration of the rise of Asia and its impact on world politics, markets, and history. Mahbubani presents a compelling case for a new global partnership, advocating for the peaceful coexistence of the East and West. With its deep insights and thought-provoking analysis, this book will open your eyes to the transformative potential of the Asian renaissance. Whether you're an avid global affairs enthusiast or simply interested in understanding the future of our interconnected world, "The New Asian Hemisphere" will captivate and enlighten you.