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Social Studies for Elementary School Children : Developing Young Citizens

Condition: Like New



Was: $21.29

This book is a great resource for both new and experienced teachers looking to improve their social studies curriculum. It offers practical strategies for planning and instruction, and provides guidance on how to prepare children for living in our global society. The emphasis on communication and understanding is a particularly unique and valuable feature of this book. Users would likely appreciate the clear and accessible writing style, and the practicality of the advice provided.
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Social Psychology

Condition: Well Read



Was: $29.86

This book offers an in-depth exploration of social psychology that is relevant to students from various disciplines. Through captivating narratives and real-life examples, it helps readers understand the complexities of human behavior and the ways in which social interactions shape our lives. With a focus on current research and applications, this book provides valuable insights into understanding ourselves and others in a fast-changing world.
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Group Dynamics

Condition: Well Read



Was: $17.00

"If you want to learn about group dynamics and understand how different phases of group behaviour work, this book is for you. It covers both traditional and newer topics, providing a well-rounded picture of group dynamics. The author quotes a wide range of research, making this book a reliable and comprehensive resource."
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Doing Good Great: Thirteen Asian Heroes and Their Causes

Condition: Very Good



Was: $20.01

If you're drawn to real-world impact and inspired by individual dedication, "Doing Good Great" is a must-read. It takes you on a journey through Asia, showcasing how a single person’s determination can ignite a movement. You'll feel motivated knowing that change is possible and, perhaps, be encouraged to look at social issues differently or even to take action in your own community.
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Decoding The Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways Of Thinking - New Directions For Teaching And Learning, Number 98

Condition: Like New



Was: $18.43

This book could be a good read for educators who want to improve their teaching methods and help students learn better by understanding the mental operations required for each discipline. It provides practical principles and tools for faculty to better assess student performance based on discipline-specific thinking, and also introduces the concept of Faculty Learning Communities for ongoing scholarship.
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The All-New Teen Quiz Book

Condition: Well Read



Was: $7.00

This book is perfect for teenage girls who want to navigate the confusing world of adolescence with the help of quizzes. From crushes and friendships to fashion and college choices, The All-New Teen Quiz Book covers all the important topics in a fun and engaging way. With over sixty quizzes, you'll not only learn more about yourself but also gain valuable insights into handling peer pressure, maintaining a healthy body, and making important life decisions. Whether you take the quizzes alone or with your friends, this book is a must-read for any teenage girl looking to find her true self.
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Sport Empire

Condition: Very Good



Was: $8.43

The Sport Empire provides a critical analysis of the sports industry, highlighting how it is dominated by a select few organizations, multinational companies, and media conglomerates. It showcases the disadvantages faced by marginalized groups and how new methods of protest and resistance are being implemented. This book would be a good fit for individuals looking for a unique perspective on the effects of globalization on sports.
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The Exceptional Child - An Introduction To Special Education

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This book could be a good read for anyone seeking an insightful introduction to the world of special education. With Susan R. Butler as the guide, this book helps illuminate the challenges and triumphs of exceptional children. The author's expertise in the field ensures a comprehensive understanding and makes this book an essential resource for parents, educators, or anyone interested in special education. Prepare to gain a deeper appreciation for the exceptional children around us.
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The Routledge Dance Studies Reader

Condition: Very Good



Was: $27.00

This book is a must-read for anyone passionate about dance. With fresh new perspectives on classic and modern dance forms, it offers a comprehensive understanding of the art from a global and contemporary standpoint. The inclusion of important articles from the first edition, along with twenty new works by leading critical voices, makes it a valuable resource for dance enthusiasts who want to dive deeper into the discipline. The thematic sections and editorial introductions provide clear guidance and further reading suggestions, enhancing the reader's engagement with the content. Get ready to explore dance in all its forms and uncover its significance in history and society.
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Heritage as Aid and Diplomacy in Asia

Condition: Like New



Was: $19.86

This book is an eye-opening exploration of how heritage is used as a tool for aid and diplomacy in Asia. Through a collection of diverse case studies, it delves into the intricate workings of the global heritage regime, exposing the manipulations and power dynamics at play. If you're curious about the hidden politics behind cultural heritage and the impact it has on societies, this thought-provoking read is for you.
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Social Psychology, Media and Research Update : United States Edition

Condition: Very Good



Was: $34.14

"Social Psychology, Media and Research Update" offers an engaging way to learn social psychology through storytelling. This book is perfect for undergraduate students looking to grasp the concepts of social psychology in a fascinating and memorable manner. The book uses a scientific approach to teach social psychology while emphasizing on engaging storytelling. Highly recommended for students looking for an entertaining yet educational read.

We Asians - Between Past and Future: A Millennium Regional Conference

Condition: Very Good


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1,003 Great Things about America

Condition: Well Read



Was: $7.00

This book is a perfect read for anyone who wants to feel proud and affirmed about their American identity. The book lists 1,003 unique things that make America great, ranging from cultural icons like Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra, to the beauty of Mount Rushmore, the excitement of the Super Bowl, and the simplicity of apple pie. The book strikes a perfect balance between humor and serious appreciation, reminding readers of the strength, resilience and spirit of America.

Why Asians Are Less Creative Than Westerners

Condition: Like New


This book would be an interesting read for individuals who are curious about the impact of cultural background on creativity. The author provides a compelling argument that contrasts the cultural values of Confucian heritage societies and liberal individualistic societies, suggesting that the latter exhibits more creativity. Readers can expect to gain insight into how cultural values shape creativity and potentially challenge their own cultural assumptions.
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Powerful Teacher Education - Lessons From Exemplary Programs

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in improving teacher education. It provides insights into the policies, organizational features, and resources of seven exemplary teacher education programs. The book is well-researched and offers practical solutions to common challenges faced by teacher education programs. Overall, it is a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and researchers alike.
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Social Studies, Literacy and Social Justice in the Common Core Classroom : A Guide for Teachers

Condition: Like New



Was: $18.43

This book is a great resource for teachers who aim to incorporate social justice principles into their classrooms and teach their students to think critically about historical events. The unique framework offered in this book helps teachers to plan their curriculum while taking into account factors such as content coverage and high-stakes testing. The author provides practical advice on how to use primary sources to teach social studies effectively, while meeting Language Arts Common Core Standards. This book is an essential read for teachers who want to create a socially just learning environment.
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Teaching Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Schools

Condition: Like New



Was: $32.71

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to teaching social studies to middle and secondary school students. With an emphasis on developing reflective, competent, concerned citizens, it examines the origins and evolution of social studies and citizenship education in the United States while providing targeted lessons for engaging learners in knowledge construction. The final section of the book covers the integration of technology into the social studies curriculum-the sleeping giant of modern education. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to become an engaging social studies teacher who inspires reflection, competence, and concern in students.
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Enhancing Quality In Assessment

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for teachers, educators, and policymakers who are concerned about the current state of assessment in education. It delves into the issues surrounding formal assessment procedures and emphasizes the importance of teacher-led assessments. With its practical insights and evidence-based strategies, it provides a valuable resource for enhancing the quality of assessment practices.
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Good Answers To Tough Questions About Substance Abuse

Condition: Very Good



Was: $8.43

This book is a great read for anyone who wants to understand the basics of drug abuse. It provides easy to understand answers to common questions about drug abuse and ways to avoid situations. The author, Joy Berry, uses a child-friendly approach that makes the book easy to comprehend and relatable. This book will positively impact parents, educators and even teenagers who want to stay informed on matters related to substance abuse.
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Indonesia Matters: Asia's Emerging Democratic Power

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

If you're curious about global politics and enjoy exploring tales of triumph over adversity, "Indonesia Matters: Asia's Emerging Democratic Power" could be a rewarding read. The book offers a keen insight into how Indonesia rose as a beacon of democratic success, stability, and growth in a volatile world. It's especially poignant for anyone interested in how nations carve their paths in the shifting landscapes of global power dynamics.
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In Defense Of Globalization

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

- This book is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of globalization. Bhagwati presents a compelling argument, backed by his expertise as an economist, that globalization, with proper governance, can bring about significant positive change in the world. His insights shed light on the social impact of globalization and challenge commonly held misconceptions. - Bhagwati's book stands out for its rigor and clarity, making it accessible to both experts and those new to the subject. Through his persuasive and well-reasoned arguments, he addresses the concerns and criticisms surrounding globalization, offering a fresh and nuanced perspective. Whether you are a student, a policy-maker, or simply curious about the topic, this book will broaden your horizons and challenge your preconceptions.
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Research Methods, Design, and Analysis : International Edition

Condition: Very Good



Was: $31.29

Research Methods, Design, and Analysis would be a good read for students or professionals in psychology who want to broaden their knowledge on research methods beyond experimental techniques. The book provides clear explanations and examples of non-experimental approaches, such as correlational and survey research, and qualitative research approaches, such as ethnography and phenomenology. Its expanded coverage on data analysis would also be useful for those looking to improve their skills in handling and interpreting data.
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Much More Than Academic Abilities

Condition: Very Good



Was: $47.38

This book could be a good read for anyone who wants to understand the importance of non-academic factors in education and work. It takes a holistic approach, exploring the relationship between academic abilities and non-academic attributes like personality and values. Through real-world examples and analysis, it challenges the traditional emphasis on academic achievements and offers new perspectives on what it means to be successful. Whether you're a student, educator, or professional, this book will inspire you to consider the bigger picture and make a meaningful impact in society.
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Broken Mirror : True Stories About Drug Abuse

Condition: Very Good



Was: $5.57

"Broken Mirror is a poignant and eye-opening collection of true stories about drug addiction. The book explores the complex and often devastating world of drug abuse, as narrated by drug addicts, teachers, parents, law enforcement officials, traffickers and counsellors. The stories are raw, emotional and heart-rending, providing a powerful insight into the horrors of addiction and its far-reaching impacts. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the dark side of drug abuse and its consequences."

ASCD Yearbook 1999: Preparing Our Schools for the 21st Century

Condition: Very Good


Considering you're involved in education and looking ahead to innovate, this book offers an insightful look into the evolution of schools. It's not just a reflection of the past, but a guide packed with foresight, making it a valuable resource for educators and policymakers who aim to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the 21st-century education landscape.
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Business & Society

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This book would be a good read for business students or professionals who want to understand the importance of implementing responsible business practices. The book takes a stakeholder management framework approach to business and emphasizes the social, legal, political, and ethical responsibilities of businesses to both external and internal groups. The use of real-world applications and cases enhances ethical decision-making skills. Written by an experienced academic, this book provides valuable insights into business ethics.
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Voices & Choices

Condition: Well Read



Was: $7.38

This book is a comprehensive study of the women's movement in Singapore, covering the struggles, achievements, and progress of Singaporean women throughout history. It provides a unique insight into the core issues faced by women, combining hard facts with a sympathetic portrait of their changing needs and status in Singaporean society. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the journey and contributions of Singaporean women and the ongoing fight for gender equality.
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Handbook of Qualitative Research

Condition: Very Good



Was: $51.29

The Handbook of Qualitative Research is a must-read for anyone interested in conducting in-depth research. With contributions from experts in the field, it provides a comprehensive guide to qualitative methods, including new topics such as critical race theory, queer theory, and applied ethnography. The updated edition ensures that researchers have access to the latest techniques and ideas, making it an indispensable resource for both novice and experienced researchers.
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For Fear of Angels: How Sex Has Usurped Religion

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.29

If you're intrigued by the intersection of human desire and spirituality, "For Fear of Angels" might just be the book you're looking for. Charles Pickstone sheds light on this complex relationship with wit and insight, leading you through a thought-provoking exploration of how our pursuit of ecstasy has evolved. It's an engaging read for anyone interested in the cultural shift from traditional religious structures to a world where personal pleasure takes precedence.
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Selected: Why some people lead, why others follow, and why it matters

Condition: Very Good



Was: $12.38

If you're curious why leaders emerge and others don't, "Selected" is the read for you. The authors combine psychology with evolutionary theory, giving insights into the mechanisms of leadership and followership. It's an intriguing look at social hierarchies and personal influence - perfect for understanding the 'why' behind who leads and who follows.